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Your True “EureQa” Moment is Here – Tabor Proteus Characterization System Enables Qubit Measurements Within 1 Hour

Book a Tabor Quantum Solutions demonstration unit, and a Tabor physicist will show you how to connect our Proteus Direct Quantum Control Electronics to your Qubit system and start performing characterization within an hour!  

The Tabor EureQa Qubit Characterization Software is built on an open-source platform, easily integrated, with a plethora of support from a rapidly expanding community and Tabor’s own quantum physicists. 

Why is it so powerful? 

  • Reduces cables and complexity 
  • Enables real time FPGA-based processing 
  • Controls any number of Qubits from 1 to 1000 
  • Allows for error correction in real time 
  • Cuts cost/Qubit by +25% 


The Tabor EureQa Qubit Characterization System is a game-changer in labs both large and small, built expressly to accelerate discovery in Quantum Physics. It’s easy to install, no servers or custom computing hardware, just plain Python. 

  • Find your Qubit with our excellent Spectroscopy Algorithms. 
  • Understand your Qubit performance with our Rabi and Coherence measurements. 
  • Relies only on industry-compliant hardware based on PXIe modular platforms 
  • EureQa is built on over 20 years of US based Academic and Commercial Quantum and Qubit Characterization application and research experience. 
  • Plus, EureQa is fully supported by a team of Tabor physicists. 


Only Tabor Quantum Solutions provides the full took kit needed for Quantum Control 

  • Direct to RF Arbitrary Waveform Generators 
  • Direct to RF Transceivers 


All built on the latest RF Digital-to-Analog and Analog-to-Digital Converters, plus 

  • Amplifiers up to 20GHz 
  • RF Signal generators up to 40GHz 
  • Function Generators  
  • Pulse Generators 

Book your demonstration unit!