European Microwave Week 2024

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After show resource center


  1. Advanced Microwave Topics for Quantum Physicists

RF and Microwave theory sits on the shoulders of Maxwell, and Hertz with the theoretical development of the connection between electricity and magnetism that started in the early 1800s. Today the use of RF and Microwave radios is ubiquitous, used by everyone every day, but still, the subject remains complex and takes many years to learn.

In this guide we will start with the fundamentals of wave propagation, understanding the difference in wave velocities through a vacuum vs cables of different types and lengths, frequency conversion, and synthesis.

  1. 10 Tips for Electronic Warfare and Radar Signal Simulation 

Explore our advanced capabilities for closed-loop testing, featuring RF Arbitrary Waveform Generation, wideband streaming, and full scalability for various environments. Our experts will share valuable tips to enhance your electronic warfare and radar signal simulation projects. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain insights from industry leaders.

  1. Turn your 5G/6G MATLAB signals into the real thing!

Creating and analyzing signals with our Proteus AWT and MATLAB takes a few simple steps. Learn how to generate and receive a WLAN beacon signal at 2.4GHz in the instruments' first Nyquist Zone. The code can easily be modified to create a signal in the second Nyquist zone, all the way up to the WiFi-6 frequency extension of 7.125GHz. With a modulation bandwidth of over 1GHz and a range of frequency extenders up to 40GHz - Tabor can help accelerate your FR3 development. 



Lucid X-Serries

Lucid RF Signal Generators

High performance, high quality, compact and rugged RF Signal Generators

The Lucid RF signal generator Series is geared towards solving applications demanding outstanding dynamic range, fast switching speed, and easy remote programming for seamless system integration, all in a compact module platform. The series was designed to offer industry leading price to performance ratio, delivering a full product portfolio for generating signals for various applications whether, 5G, radar, communications, and more. 

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Proteus Advanced AWG/AWT

Proteus is an advanced direct to RF Arbitrary Waveform Generator with built-in Transceiver

Proteus, Arbitrary Waveform generators / Transceivers series. The new RF AWG/AWT has a built-in IQ modulator with advanced capabilities for multi-channel RF signal generation. The system is based on a PXIe platform and enables you to transmit, receive and perform digital signal processing in a single instrument. 

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